Frequently Asked Questions.

Yeah, we get these a lot, so, we figured we'd save you some time and get right to the business of Q&A! If for some reason your question is not answered here feel free to Contact Us, or send us an email to support

Membership FAQ.

Can I use Degen Stocks in my country?

Hey, we're game if you are! But, it's like this: whether Degen Stocks is legal and ready to roll in your neck of the woods depends on the laws of your land. We're all about responsible playing, so do your due diligence and make sure we're the right fit for your financial journey.

What is your FREE membership all about?

In fairness, you probably never have to upgrade from our FREE membership. Sure we should probably never tell you this, but that's just how damn good our free membership is. If you are a true Degen, and want to get alerts early, and a bit more in depth research done and access to interviews, then by all means go right ahead and upgrade (Once its available). But we strongly suggest all degens start with our free plan before upgrading -its that damn good!

How do I reset my password?

No worries! If you ever forget your password, just head over to the login page. Click on the "Forgot Password" link, then enter your email. We'll whisk a password reset link to your email faster than a rocket launch.

How do I signup?

Signing up is a piece of cake, and it's 100% free! On the homepage, spot that shiny "Free Signup" button – give it a click. Enter your name and email, and voilà! Agree to our Degen Stocks terms and conditions (we know, we're a bit old school that way) and hit the submit button. We'll ping you a confirmation email – you've got 5 minutes to click it and prove you're not a bot. Those bots give us the creeps.

What brokers do you recommend?

Unlock the golden doors of Degen University once you're onboard, and there you'll find a treasure trove of broker recommendations to choose from. We've got your back when it comes to making those crucial trading decisions.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yep, at any time! There's an easy cancelation button at the bottom of every edition.

What is the minimum I should participate with?

You're a true Degen at heart, and while we'd love to see you dive in headfirst, we're not here to steer you wrong. There are no set minimums – we can't stress this enough: only go in with what you're comfy losing. We're all about diamond hands, not busted wallets. Do your own research and only bet what you can dance without.

Billing FAQ.

Do you offer monthly plans?

Yea, you can choose to pay either monthly or yearly. We suggest exploring the annual plans because they offer such a deep discount over the traditional monthly plan. But feel free to subscribe to either one.

What if I want to upgrade?

You can definitely upgrade once our paid plans are ready to go live. Go to the Plans and Payment section of your Account and choose the plan you want. Once the payment is through, you instantly get access to the your upgrade.

Featured Companies FAQ.

How do I get a company featured on Degen Stocks?

If you represent a company, and would like to be featured on Degen Stocks, please send an email to with information regarding your company. If after an initial due diligence we are impressed and feel it could be a good fit for our readers, we will get in touch with you to explore further.

Are you compensated for featuring companies on Degen Stocks?

Sometimes we are and sometimes we are not. We strongly suggest reading the disclaimer on at the bottom of our emails and web pages showing any company that we are featuring to our members to learn if we are compensated for disseminating the information to our readers.

How often do you provide new companies to feature?

We're all about quality over quantity. We aim to drop 4-6 stock alerts per year. Unearthing the gems in the financial world is like finding gold in a river, but rest assured, we're constantly rolling up our sleeves to dig up the next moonshot for our awesome community!

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by degens for degens! Sticking it
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Join the world's most exclusive trading community! We are responsible for transforming normal men into trading icons while simultaneously driving Wall Street legends towards billion dollar losses.
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